Advocacy and Self-Determination
Individuals with disabilities are provided support as they attain skills to speak up and make decisions for themselves. The program educates individuals on how to access and obtain services they deserve in their daily lives and communities. SILO assists with voter registration. We collaborate with government officials and government offices to bring about community and system change.
From: Julia Solow, Caring Majority Rising <julia@caringmajorityrising.org>
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 12:54 PM
Subject: ACTION ALERT: Gov called CDPA home care a "racket"
On Tuesday, we woke up to news articles featuring yet another attack on home care by Governor Hochul - this time she called the consumer directed personal assistance program (CDPAP) a “racket.”
Today we are asking you to reach out to your federal and state elected officials in New York to ask them to defend CDPAP by posting a public response condemning the Governor’s statement.
You can look up your representatives here (to find their contact info, click on the name of each representative. Their email and phone number will appear on the left side of the screen. You may need to scroll down).
Draft message for electeds:
Title: Gov called CDPA home care a "racket", we need your help to respond
Dear XXX,
I'm writing to make you aware of recent comments made by Governor Hochul about the consumer-directed personal assistance program, and to ask for your support by making a public statement in response.
On July 23rd, multiple news articles came out quoting the Governor calling the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance home care program (CDPAP) "a racket." You can see her statements here (it appeared in Bloomberg news, Crain's and other publications).
We are ANGRY. The Governor is calling the services we rely upon to live a racket. We are asking you to support us, and all disabled and older New Yorkers with a statement condemning the Governor’s attacks on CDPA.
Please publish a response on your social media rejecting the Governor's comments and voicing support for the consumer-directed personal assistance program. Here is Senator Rivera's statement as an example.
A statement is below with talking points from CDPAANYS that you can borrow in crafting your response.
Statement of the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of New York State re: Governor Hochul's characterization of CDPAP
We are deeply disappointed and disturbed by Governor Kathy Hochul’s remarks that the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance program, which provides home and community-based care to aging and disabled New Yorkers, is “a racket.”
The life-sustaining services provided by New York-based fiscal intermediaries are no “racket.” Every consumer who uses the program has been assessed by the State to ensure they qualify for services, and determined to need medical assistance.
CDPAP is a vital program; it is a lifeline for the older and disabled populations that the governor has vowed to help. In many instances, due to the ongoing home care workforce crisis, it is the only option for those seeking home care.
The state has the opportunity, particularly during Disability Pride Month and the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act this Friday, to reform the system without destroying it.
We encourage the governor and her team to work with stakeholders to rectify the state’s alarming home care shortage, rather than callously dismissing the hard work of caregivers and their loved ones.
Thank you,
Your name
En Espanol:
ALERTA DE ACCIÓN: El gobernador calificó la atención domiciliaria de la CDPA como "una estafa"
Estimado Mary Ann,
El martes, nos despertamos con artículos de noticias que presentaban otro ataque a la atención domiciliaria por parte de la gobernadora Hochul; esta vez calificó el programa de asistencia personal dirigida al consumidor (CDPAP) como una “estafa”.
Hoy le pedimos que se comunique con sus funcionarios electos federales y estatales en Nueva York para pedirles que defiendan el CDPAP publicando una respuesta pública condenando la declaración del Gobernador.
A continuación encontrará un borrador de mensaje para sus electos.
Puede buscar a sus representantes aquí (para encontrar su información de contacto, haga clic en el nombre de cada representante. Su correo electrónico y número de teléfono aparecerán en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla. Es posible que deba desplazarse hacia abajo).
Borrador de mensaje para los electos:
Título: La gobernadora calificó la atención domiciliaria de la CDPA como una "estafa", necesitamos su ayuda para responder
Estimado XXX,
Le escribo para informarle sobre los comentarios recientes realizados por la gobernadora Hochul sobre el programa de asistencia personal dirigido al consumidor y para solicitar su apoyo haciendo una declaración pública en respuesta.
El 23 de julio, aparecieron varios artículos de noticias citando al Gobernador llamando al programa de atención domiciliaria de Asistencia Personal Dirigida por el Consumidor (CDPAP) "una estafa". Puedes ver sus declaraciones aquí (aparecieron en Bloomberg News, Crain's y otras publicaciones).
Estamos enfadados. La Gobernadora está calificando de escándalo a los servicios de los que dependemos para vivir. Le pedimos que nos apoye a nosotros y a todos los neoyorquinos discapacitados y mayores con una declaración condenando los ataques del Gobernador a la CDPA.
Publique una respuesta en sus redes sociales rechazando los comentarios del Gobernador y expresando su apoyo al programa de asistencia personal dirigido al consumidor. Aquí está la declaración del Senador Rivera como ejemplo.
A continuación encontrará una declaración con puntos de CDPAANYS que puede usar para elaborar su respuesta.
Declaración de la Asociación de Asistencia Personal Dirigida al Consumidor del Estado de Nueva York sobre: la caracterización del CDPAP por parte del Gobernador Hochul
Estamos profundamente decepcionados y perturbados por los comentarios de la Gobernadora Kathy Hochul de que el programa de Asistencia Personal Dirigida por el Consumidor, que brinda atención domiciliaria y comunitaria a neoyorquinos ancianos y discapacitados, es “una estafa”.
Los servicios de soporte vital proporcionados por los intermediarios fiscales con sede en Nueva York no son un “truco”. El Estado ha evaluado a cada consumidor que utiliza el programa para garantizar que califica para los servicios y se ha determinado que necesita asistencia médica.
CDPAP es un programa vital; es un salvavidas para las poblaciones mayores y discapacitadas que el gobernador ha prometido ayudar. En muchos casos, debido a la actual crisis de la fuerza laboral de atención domiciliaria, es la única opción para quienes buscan atención domiciliaria.
El estado tiene la oportunidad, particularmente durante el Mes del Orgullo de la Discapacidad y el 34º aniversario de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades este viernes, de reformar el sistema sin destruirlo.
Alentamos a la gobernadora y a su equipo a trabajar con las partes interesadas para rectificar la alarmante escasez de atención domiciliaria en el estado, en lugar de descartar cruelmente el arduo trabajo de los cuidadores y sus seres queridos.
Su nombre
In Solidarity/ En Solidaridad,
The Caring Majority Rising Team
JOIN OUR TEAM!!!! Come to the next Transportation Committee meeting
and become part of advocating for more accessibility and laws and government
funding to reflect the needs of people with disabilities. For more information
on how you can get involved, call Marilyn Tucci at 631.880.7929 x125 or
email her at mtucci@siloinc.org
Self-Initiated Living Options, Inc. facilitates a TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE that meets once a month. Its committee members range from county officials, social workers and our partners at other community agencies. The committee reaches out to political entities and at times attends local government meetings when it can lend a relevant point of view from a person with a disability’s perspective, and asks for laws to reflect the needs of the disability community. The committee advocates for safety, accessibility and affordability. The committee works to educate the public and our consumers on the use of the transit system, which includes both Fixed-Route and Para Transit systems.
Do you have difficulty getting into your favorite restaurant or clothing store?
Do you find yourself in dangerous situations on public sidewalks and crosswalks?
Do you see neglected sidewalks and curb cuts or non-talking traffic signals?
Do you have trouble accessing local government buildings?
Have you ever been denied access to a building with your service dog?
Join BARRIER BUSTERS and help us make Suffolk County accessible for everyone.